
EIC provides several types of accounts to fulfill the investors needs. Investor can choose the option to invest bigger amount at once, or regularily save smaller amounts (investments into funds is available from 10,- EUR monthly), or use the combination of both. The funds can be combined without any restrictions, fees for switches between funds are low, use of single form (or investment advisor) for all types of funds and a unique non-stop investment overview Online.

All accounts allow the investor to:

  • submit orders online and have instant access to the account
  • submit payment instructions for withdraval of funds online
  • keep more currencies on one account
  • free of charge notification of each transaction by email, charged when sent by post
  • there are no charges for account keeping

Investment Account

execution of investor's orders based on advice of an investment advisor. The investment advisor prepares the order and the investor confirms it

Target Account

designed for regular investing of smaller amounts into a specified mix of funds

investor specifies the target sum and the duration of the saving program. The mix of funds may be specified with the assistance of the investment advisor

saving scheme has 2 phases - accumulation, in which assets are invested in funds promising higher-yielding and stabilization phase with investments in less volatile assets.

Trading Account

intended for experienced and professional investors, with no need of investment advice, whose orders are placed via online application.