European Investment Centre is a licensed investment firm specialized in services related to investments into shares of collective investment schemes e. g., mutual funds. EIC concentrates the broadest offer of funds managed by European fund managers in one place. Unifying the fragmented funds market EIC contributes to the creation of the infrastructure in the field of collective investments.
Hundreds of Funds under One Roof
European Investment Centre concentrates the offer of more than 800 funds managed by 30 leading management companies in one place. EIC is the only platform of this kind in Slovakia. The funds offer covers needs of all fund investors from the most conservative to the most dynamic. Funds cover all regions, both developed and emerging markets, all asset classes from traditional equities, bonds and money market instruments up to alternative investments into real estate or commodities are included. EIC provides opportunities to invest for general public as well as for experienced and professional investors.
Choose the Suitable Way of Investing
The investors are provided with the possibility to submit individual purchase or sell orders as well as to invest smaller sums regularly into the chosen funds mix. As the client of EIC may not be experienced in investment matters, he or she may choose from one of many licensed investment advisors that after considering the investors profile can recommend the proper investment mix to the investor. Experienced investors may submit their buy or sell orders directly using the service "ONLINE". The list of funds suitable for the general public are in the "LIST OF FUNDS" section.
Instant Access to the Investors Holdings
EIC provides the investor with an instant access to his or her holdings using the service "ONLINE" accessible from EIC website or directly on The client holdings are priced using the actual fund prices. EIC notifies the client of each executed transaction by email.
How European Investment Centre Operates
EIC operates under the license of the National Bank of Slovakia. It is licensed to provide investment services related to investments into shares of collective investment schemes. EIC accepts investors' orders, processes and executes them against the fund management companies as counterparties at actual market prices and provides for settlements of trades as well as on the base of delivery vs. payment.
The holdings of investors are registered on client accounts kept for them by EIC. The clients assets are strictly separated from those of EIC. EIC opens accounts with fund management companies or their respective transfer agents, where the client's assets are kept. EIC represents investors in all matters related to their investment against fund management companies.
EIC participates on Investment Guarantee Fund that represent a compensation scheme guaranteeing the clients certain compensation for assets entrusted to investment firms that became inaccessible.
EIC cooperates with a broad network of investment advisors that provide investment advice and intermediary services for investors on contractual base. To prevent any potential conflicts of interest:
- EIC and the investment advisors are independent parties. EIC does not provide any advisory services to investors or investment advisors. Investment services provided by EIC are limited to accepting and execution of orders submitted by investors or submitting of investors orders in the name of the investor.
- EIC is independent from fund management companies that means EIC does not have any interest to prefer offer of one fund management company before the others.